Christophe Mineau

La Belle Note

Partageons nos idées, partageons nos savoir-faire.

Purfling cutter

Purfling cutter

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Purfling cutter

The purfling cutter or scriber is a tool that allows scoring or cutting the thin groove that will fit the purfling on a top or back of a violin, as well as on the edge of top, back and sides of string instruments like the guitar or the mandolin. The tool allows scribing this groove parallel to the edge of the top or back.

Convert inches into millimeters

Convert inches into millimeters

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Convert inches into millimeters

A very simple trick, but also very usefull : a pocket calculator, intended to convert currencies, can be easilly tranformed to convert inches into millimeters and vice versa.

Thickness sander

Thickness sander

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Thickness sander

The thickness sander is one of the most usefull machine to the luthier. It is a drum sander, relatively powerfull, that allows to sand some thin pieces on the thickness, but on a large width.

My branding mark

My branding mark

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My branding mark

When you make a nice ornamental piece, and that your are proud of, you are naturally tempted to sign your master piece.
I made myself my own branding stamp, that allows me to sign exactly the same way all my pieces, in a discreet place.

My Metric String action gauge

My Metric String action gauge

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My Metric String action gauge

It is easy to find a well known commercial version of this kind of gauge which aim at measuring the heigth between strings and frets.
One measures at the first fret, the twelvth, etc … and the wished heigth is under the musician’s preference and the specs of the instrument.

Enhanced Clamps

Enhanced Clamps

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Enhanced Clamps

If you have like me series of cheap clamps, even they have been usefull for even heavy duty works, they are not very suitable for delicate work like instrument making.

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