Christophe Mineau

La Belle Note

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Wiring a washing machine motor

Wiring a washing machine motor

1-Minute Read

This document (in French only, please use Google traduction if necessary) explains the two main types of washing machine motors that can be easilly salvaged, how to distinguish between them and the use that can be made of them.

Threading with an Holzman Lathe ED 750 FDQ

Threading with an Holzman Lathe ED 750 FDQ

1-Minute Read

A little documentation I gathered concerning my metal lathe (Holzman ED 750 FDQ), and in particular the matter of thread cuttings.
Use of the threading dial tool.
No serious document was existing, so I decided to gather all the necessary informations here, hop it could help someone else !
Just give me your feedback !

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Site de partage et d'échange de Christophe Mineau.