Spectral Analysis with Audacity
Spectral Analysis with Audacity
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Spectral Analysis with Audacity
Fork Guppy 5 - Facebook Open Graph Meta tags
/* (voir la traduction française dans la zone telechargement du site de l’auteur www.labellenote.fr)
Fretboard Design
Inch <=> mm
Magnetic attachment for smartphone
In order to use the “Smart-tools” application (see this article) in the shop, particularly for setting up a tilt using the plumb line tool, I have built this magnetic attachment in order to hold the smartphone using a magnet :
Smart Tools, the virtual tool box
Wave for tuning
Calculate a surface area with Inkscape
Inkscape offers a very interresting feature that
allows to calculate precisely the surface area of any shape.
This can be connected to the real world, using a photography of a real object,
that would have been imported in the software and scaled to real size first.
Controlling dimensions in Inkscape
Inkscape is an excellent vector graphics software. I use it very often for the most artistic parts of my technical drawings, each time that I need to find the nice curve …
Melody Assistant
[](https://www.myriad- online.com/images/screens/screenma.jpg)
Frequency <=> Note
Import from Inkscape to Qcad