Making of a wooden case for Ukulele
Making of a wooden case for Ukulele

Here is a project I realised upon the request of my daughter who wanted a case for her Uke.
To be noticed that this uke is tuned in GDAE, my little daughter being
actually learning the fiddle ….
I purchased this set of GDAE strings for Uke at “Juste cordes”.
I had to make a new nut because of too much buzzing, due to the important
difference in diameter compared to the original strings …
Coming back to the case, the amazing for this is that it is built in a closed case, re-sawn afterwards. This is for being sure that the cuves of the top and bottom would match exactly.
The lining is made of cork.
The handle is made for a modern drawerfor found in the local hardware store.
See the detailed diaporama for this projet.
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