Frame saw
Frame saw
Partageons nos idées, partageons nos savoir-faire.
Frame saw
Wheel marking gauge
Safety switch
Router Lift mechanism
Scratch stock
Scraping plane
Manual feeder blocks for table saw
There are many kinds of push sticks or blocks for the table saw, but we have seen appearing from the US a new kind of model, which certainly brings inovation on that topic, it is the GRR-Ripper from Micro Jig. 
Tenoning Jig
Cordless drill corded
Disk Sander
Router plane
Thickness Punch
Thickness Gauge
Centering calipers
I must give credit to Rick Sparber for the tool I’m presenting here. He published the idea of it on the []( scribe-8482) forum.
Carving platform
Purfling chisel
Push Sticks
Toothed blades
Thumb planes
A two handed gouge
Purfling cutter
The purfling cutter or scriber is a tool that allows scoring or cutting the thin groove that will fit the purfling on a top or back of a violin, as well as on the edge of top, back and sides of string instruments like the guitar or the mandolin. The tool allows scribing this groove parallel to the edge of the top or back.
Bandsaw blade tension
Convert inches into millimeters
Thickness sander
Silver soldering a bandsaw blade
Startup and blade tension
Radius sanding block
Soft vise jaws for the luthier
Resawing on the bandsaw
My branding mark
Instrument making vise
My Metric String action gauge
Enhanced Clamps