Musical Instrument Making
Making, repairing and playing musical instruments

One of my favorite activities is making my own musical instruments.
Musical instrument making, whether it is stringed instruments or wind instruments is an area that allows me to mix a large number of fascinating areas:
- The work and the knowledge of wood, mostly manual work or on the lathe.
- Aesthetics, design and organology of musical instruments
- Physics /acoustics to understand how musical instruments work
- Metal work for tooling, because tools for the art of lutiery are mostly specific and any occasion to create a new tool is welcome!
I invite you to visit the section of my site dedicated to instrument making, I
show in detail my builds, and I explain all the details of the process.
The menu on the left will allow you to navigate through the different
categories, and do not forget the “Workshop” section reserved for specific
tools, as well as the “Wind instruments /Technique” section which details the
most delicate skills.
Feel free to react to articles and ask me questions if necessary, I will be happy to help you.
I must add that I do not sell my instruments, the first objective of this site is the sharing of know-how.
Do not hesitate to contact me! (see the “Contact me” section at the bottom of this page).
Lutherie index page :
Musical Instrument Making
- A two handed gouge
- Convert inches into millimeters
- Enhanced Clamps
- Instrument making vise
- My Metric String action gauge
- Purfling chisel
- Purfling cutter
- Radius sanding block
- Resawing on the bandsaw
- Soft vise jaws for the luthier
- Thickness Gauge
- Thickness Punch
- Thickness sander
- Thumb planes
- Toothed blades
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