Christophe Mineau

La Belle Note

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Frequency <=> Note

Frequency <=> Note

4-Minute Read

Frequency <=> Note
Table of contents :

Converter Frequency-Note-Wave length

This tool allows conversions either from note to frequency or from frequency to note.
The reference A is adjustable.

Each frequency is associated with a wave length, which corresponds to the wave length propagated in the air. The sound speed in the air can be adjusted, because this one varies somewhat with the temperature, which makes the wave length vary, as one can see.

The note and octave can be directly entered or you can choose a reference note on a “standard” instrument in the choice list of instruments.

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Frequency / Note table, with reference to some common instruments

(*) Note : The wave length depends on the sound speed in air, and this one depends on lots of things including the temperature. The adopted sound speed is 343.4 m/s, which corresponds to a temperature of 20°C at see level.

Note Octave Frequency (Hz) Wave length (m)* For reference
C 0 16.35 21.002
C# / Db 0 17.32 19.822
D 0 18.35 18.710
D# / Eb 0 19.45 17.660
E 0 20.60 16.669
F 0 21.83 15.733
F# / Gb 0 23.12 14.850
G 0 24.50 14.017
G# / Ab 0 25.96 13.230
A 0 27.50 12.487 Lowest note in the Piano
A# / Bb 0 29.14 11.787
B 0 30.87 11.125
C 1 32.70 10.501
C# / Db 1 34.65 9.911
D 1 36.71 9.355
D# / Eb 1 38.89 8.830
E 1 41.20 8.334 Lower note on a bass
F 1 43.65 7.866
F# / Gb 1 46.25 7.425
G 1 49.00 7.008
G# / Ab 1 51.91 6.615
A 1 55.00 6.244
A# / Bb 1 58.27 5.893
B 1 61.74 5.562
C 2 65.41 5.250
C# / Db 2 69.30 4.956
D 2 73.42 4.677
D# / Eb 2 77.78 4.415
E 2 82.41 4.167 Lowest E of the guitar
F 2 87.31 3.933
F# / Gb 2 92.50 3.712
G 2 98.00 3.504
G# / Ab 2 103.83 3.307
A 2 110.00 3.122 A second string of the guitar
A# / Bb 2 116.54 2.947
B 2 123.47 2.781
C 3 130.81 2.625
C# / Db 3 138.59 2.478
D 3 146.83 2.339 D third string of the guitar
D# / Eb 3 155.56 2.207
E 3 164.81 2.084
F 3 174.61 1.967
F# / Gb 3 185.00 1.856
G 3 196.00 1.752 G Violin / Mandolin / 4th string of the guitar
G# / Ab 3 207.65 1.654
A 3 220.00 1.561
A# / Bb 3 233.08 1.473
B 3 246.94 1.391 A 5th string of the guitar
C 4 261.63 1.313 Middle C
C# / Db 4 277.18 1.239
D 4 293.67 1.169 D Violin / Mandolin
D# / Eb 4 311.13 1.104
E 4 329.63 1.042 E 6th string of the guitar
F 4 349.23 0.983
F# / Gb 4 369.99 0.928
G 4 392.00 0.876
G# / Ab 4 415.31 0.827
A 4 440.00 0.780 A of reference / A Violin / Mandolin
A# / Bb 4 466.16 0.737
B 4 493.88 0.695
C 5 523.25 0.656
C# / Db 5 554.37 0.619
D 5 587.33 0.585
D# / Eb 5 622.25 0.552
E 5 659.26 0.521 E Violin / Mandolin
F 5 698.46 0.492
F# / Gb 5 739.99 0.464
G 5 783.99 0.438
G# / Ab 5 830.61 0.413
A 5 880.00 0.390
A# / Bb 5 932.33 0.368
B 5 987.77 0.348
C 6 1046.50 0.328
C# / Db 6 1108.73 0.310
D 6 1174.66 0.292
D# / Eb 6 1244.51 0.276
E 6 1318.51 0.260
F 6 1396.91 0.246
F# / Gb 6 1479.98 0.232
G 6 1567.98 0.219
G# / Ab 6 1661.22 0.207
A 6 1760.00 0.195
A# / Bb 6 1864.66 0.184
B 6 1975.53 0.174
C 7 2093.01 0.164
C# / Db 7 2217.46 0.155
D 7 2349.32 0.146
D# / Eb 7 2489.02 0.138
E 7 2637.02 0.130
F 7 2793.83 0.123
F# / Gb 7 2959.96 0.116
G 7 3135.96 0.110
G# / Ab 7 3322.44 0.103
A 7 3520.00 0.098
A# / Bb 7 3729.31 0.092
B 7 3951.07 0.087
C 8 4186.01 0.082
C# / Db 8 4434.92 0.077
D 8 4698.64 0.073
D# / Eb 8 4978.03 0.069
E 8 5274.04 0.065
F 8 5587.65 0.061
F# / Gb 8 5919.91 0.058
G 8 6271.93 0.055
G# / Ab 8 6644.88 0.052
A 8 7040.00 0.049
A# / Bb 8 7458.62 0.046
B 8 7902.13 0.043
C 9 8372.02 0.041
C# / Db 9 8869.84 0.039
D 9 9397.27 0.037
D# / Eb 9 9956.06 0.034
E 9 10548.08 0.033
F 9 11175.30 0.031
F# / Gb 9 11839.82 0.029
G 9 12543.86 0.027
G# / Ab 9 13289.75 0.026
A 9 14080.00 0.024
A# / Bb 9 14917.24 0.023
B 9 15804.26 0.022

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