Christophe Mineau

La Belle Note

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Irish Whistles

Irish Whistles

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Irish Whistles

Irish Whistles

This page is dedicated to the Irish wooden whistle.

The tin whistle / penny whistle is probably the instrument I have the most played, since my childhood, and I must say that I have a particular passion for it.
This led me to collect it a lot, at one time I bought all the models that I could find in the trade, I even spent one of my first salary to buy a handmade model manufactured in the USA by Michael Copeland.

Now, I make myself, with great pleasure, my own whistles, preferably from wood.

I thank particularly Didier Jaffredo who owns the forum “FFIAC - Forum des facteurs de Flûtes Irlandaises et Autres Consœurs” on which we can find quantities of useful informations about the making of wooden flutes (for French speakers).

Here are different models I have built :

Tunable High D Whistle, Boxwood and brass

This model is inspired friom the flutes built by Tyron Head, which I also warmly thank for the lot of informations he provides on his Website

This is a two parts model, featuring a tuning slide.

The plug is made of black nylon.

The cape and rings are made of brass.

Here is a demonstration video :

The technical drawing for this whistle is available in the download section.

High D Whistle, Macassar ebony and Boxwood

FB This model is more personal. The mouthpiece is made out of Boxwood, and the channel has been slightly modified compared to the model above. It does not feature any tuning slide, but it gets lighter and more vibrating.

The sides of the window are raised up thanks to the boxwood mouthpiece, which projects more and gives a more precise sound.

The end ring is made out of Boxwood. The finish is simply polished.

This flute has a warm and powerful sound, here is a couple of videos that will let you ear it :

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Older readers comments

Hello from marcel
By marcel    On 2015-11-26T19:05:00+01:00
Deux belles réalisations comme de coutume, de plus tu fournis tes plans. J'aime beaucoup le son de l'ébène de Macassar sur ton interprétation de Morrisson's jig. Bravo Christophe! ______________________________________________________ Merci Marcel, ça me fait plaisir ![smile](inc/img/smileys/smile.gif) ! A bientôt, Christophe

Hello from jean-marie
By jean-marie    On 2016-08-03T23:16:00+01:00
Bonjour, Tout d'abord je trouve le site très sympa. Notamment site la rubrique téléchargement est très tentante. Je commence à en faire un whistle en buis et un petit soucis me bloque, il me manque la cote de la longueur totale (si la cote n'est pas secrète bien- sur...) Merci d'avance Jean Marie

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