Leather Purse
Leather purse from found libre pattern

This pattern was obtained from a link found in a tutorial video (see the video below):
Partageons nos idées, partageons nos savoir-faire.
Leather purse from found libre pattern
This pattern was obtained from a link found in a tutorial video (see the video below):
Large size Sling bag, Nasturtiums theme
Template purchased on Etsy, “Leather Hub Patterns” shop:
“Leather Hub Pattern Sling Bag”
Sling bag, two colours, of medium size.
Template purchased on Etsy, “Tennesse Sling Bag” model:
“Tennesse Sling Bag”
Hardshell case for flute lined with leather
Leather made shoulder bag inspired from the series The Witcher
Here is a realization inspired by an image from the series The Witcher where we see the character of Istredd the sorcerer in the company of Geralt.
HDD leather case
Steampunk watch
Bracelet Aile ou la Cuisse
Kitchen Knife Leather Roll
Leather phone case N°2
Leather phone case N°1
Leather belt pouch
Edge burnishers
Diamond Shaped Awls
Diamond Shaped Awl
Leather Apron
Braided Mandolin strap
Leather lacing