Spacer for woodworking vise
Adjustable spacer for woodworking vise with parallel jaws

When you have a wood vise such as this one:
Horizontal bench clamp
Horizontal clamp with low profile for the bench top
Frame saw
Frame saw
Wheel marking gauge
Wheel marking gauge
Safety switch
Safety switch
Router Lift mechanism
Router Lift mechanism
Pneumatic engraving machine
Pneumatic engraving machine
Scratch stock
Scratch stock
Transverse drilling on the lathe
Transverse drilling on the lathe
Telescopic hollowing tool
Telescopic hollowing tool

Here is a woodturning deep hollowing tool inspired from the famous Rolly Munro hollowing system. []( rolly-munro-articulated-hollower/)
Scraping plane
Scraping plane
Tenoning Jig
Tenoning Jig
Engraver bowl vice
Engraver bowl vice
Cordless drill corded
Cordless drill corded
Disk Sander
Disk Sander
Router plane
Router plane
Tenon saw
Tenon saw