Index page for woodworking

I have always liked working with wood, since my youngest age.
Over the years, I have been able to explore different techniques and, like many, I started investing in a number of machines. But with time and experience, I now tend to only use machines for ripping or trimming, and I try to work as much as possible by hand. To tell the truth, I feel that there is no greater pleasure than working with a hand plane that raises fine chips and than hearing a gouge singing its so characteristic song cutting cross-wood ...
I’ll let you visit this section of my site, dedicated to woodworking. You will find many pictures and texts telling stories of my restorations of antique pieces of furniture, making of new ones, makings of jewelry and other objects.
The menu below will allow you to navigate through the different categories, and do not miss the “Workshop” section dealing with specific tooling.
Feel free to comment the articles and ask me any questions if necessary, I will be happy to help you.
I recall that I do not sell my work, the first objective of this site is the sharing of know-how.
Do not hesitate to contact me ! (see “Contact” on top menu bar).
Index of the wood working pages :
- Bandsaw blade tension
- Carving platform
- Centering calipers
- CNC_Pendant
- Cordless drill corded
- Disk Sander
- Frame saw
- Horizontal bench clamp
- Manual feeder blocks for table saw
- My branding mark
- Push Sticks
- Router Lift mechanism
- Router plane
- Safety switch
- Scraping plane
- Scratch stock
- Silver soldering a bandsaw blade
- Spacer for woodworking vise
- Spokeshave
- Startup and blade tension
- Tenon saw
- Tenoning Jig
- Vacuum press system
- Wheel marking gauge
Period furniture restaurations
Knowing Wood
Finishing receipes
- Jewellery
- Plancha Trolley
- Stool
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