Pneumatic engraving machine
Pneumatic engraving machine

Table of contents :
Pneumatic metal engraving machine
Here’s a home made machine designed for engraving metal, with the assistance
of a small air compressor, instead of using a hammer.
This idea was developed in detail by Shaun Hughes on his Youtube channel and
this making is largely inspired by his brilliant work.
Please visit his channel, which is full of ideas and
Here is a video showing this tool at work :
The compressor block and controls
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The starting point is a small portable 12V compressor, which original purpose is to inflate car tires.
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Dismantled compressor.
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The modification involves removing non-return valves, and simply permanently plugging them.
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Plugs to be glued in place of the valves.
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Variable speed control for DC motor
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Valve mechanism for pedal control of the air flow.
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Assembled mechanism. In nominal position, the air escapes through the vent.
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When the ring rotates and covers the vent, the air passes from the compressor to the tool.
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The enclosure with both hinged pedals. One is for the ON/OFF electrical switch, and the other for the air flow.
The handpiece
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Starting from a bolt, turning down two nuts, and central boring.
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Drilling side vents.
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Handle, mobile core and a sleeve to fit the tool support.
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Epoxy gluing the first nut in the handle.
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Sanding the ebony handle on the wood lathe.
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The end tool support pieces are commercial ones.
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Sleeve with the pin to prevent the tool from rotating.
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Sleeve with the tool support fitted.
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The core hits directly on the end of tool support piece.
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Loctite gluing the sleeve to the body.
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Sharpening a graver.
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Sharpening a graver.
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Finished handpiece.
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| Finished handpiece.
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Finished handpiece..
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| Exploded view
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